Friday, January 19, 2007

Thoughts on the Gospel & Believing God

It has been 2 weeks of deep thinking for me and seaching the depths of my own heart and mind in relation to the Gospel and my belief in God. Since September the main discussion and study of my team here in Italy has been the Gospel-what is it, who is it for, how do you communicate it, what does it have to offer that I do not. My frequent confession to my team was unbelief in the power of God to work here in Pisa, in such a dry and hard place. The height of the discussion came for me this week when a fellow teammate from Florence, Gary, came over to talk with us about the Gospel and evangelism. In my mind, doing evangelism means telling people about the Gospel of Christ. But I thought the greatest obstacle to doing that here in Italy was Italians disinterest, difficulty in meet students, language, etc. Never once did it fully cross my mind that I might be the main obstacle in communicating Christ with Italians. Gary posed the idea that there were 2 main barriers one being "language" and the other being "our own experiential knowledge of the Gospel". First of all, I wasn't even sure what that second one meant. But, as he explained it, I finally grasped it and had an ah hah moment. He's talking about the degree that we as believers experience the Gospel in our daily personal lives. whoa! That struck deep in me along the line of thoughts and internal discussions I've been have for months. We went on to discuss what is the core of the Gospel? It comes down to Jesus Christ:his life, death, and resurection. That's it nothing else. I read in Romans, Hebrews and beyond that yes the Gospel is also for me not just for unbelievers or those who have not heard. It is for me, Marti. Everyday I need the Gospel in my life. One of Gary's points was to the extent the Gospel is working in our lives effects everything we do. It effects my love for others, my belief in Christ to work, my hunger to share the good news of Christ,etc. I realize that right now I am not believing the power of God in my life as a believer and I am not believing most times that the Gospel is good news for me thus my "job" here in Italy becomes just that a job rather that a burning passion to share something incomparably valuable in my life with lost Italians. I began this semester on a search to figure out what it means to truly and deeply believe God not just believe in Him and to figure out what is the Gospel for me. The road ahead looks to be long but holds great growth for me in my walk as a beloved daughter of the King. This is not something I will figure out overnight, next week or probably even by next year. Pray that God would show me what it mean to truly believe in Him, how I go about doing that, and what the Gospel means in my life and in my calling to Pisa.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Back In Italy

After a trip home to Mississippi for Christmas, I have returned to Pisa. Things here are pretty slow this time of year so the transition back to life here has been gradual which is good for me. The students are all studying for January and February exams. Classes begin the end of February. This gives me a lot of time to think and process the trip home, my calling to Pisa, the semester ahead and the growth taking place in my life. I would like to have spent more time seeing family and friends while I was home but between traveling, doctors visits, and my grandmother going back into the hospital there just wasn't time. I am thankful for the opportunity just to go home and spend Christmas with my family this year. While I was in America I didn't find too many things that made me say "wow, you know I miss that". Though I do miss taking long drives in the country listening to music. I have been experiencing a lot of personal growth over the last two years that has allowed my family and friends to mean more to me than ever. I see the value of building and maintaining relationships with people. My team here always reminds me that we weren't made to live life alone and thrive in isolation. We were made for community. In light of this growth, community/fellowship with family and friends is what I miss most. I realize more each time I go home that there is a great sacrifice being made to serve overseas. It makes returning to the mission field more difficult emotionally. I find myself longing to do and take part in the everyday things with my family like going to dinner, weekend trips, walmart shopping, etc. I am praying that God will bring about a greater community of ICS(long term laborers) here in Italy and especially Pisa. Amanda and I pray for more single teammates often. Join me in praying that God really would send out more laborers into the sowing and harvesting fields of Italy. I am looking forward to what hte Spring semester will bring us here in Pisa. As time passes and I think through more things I will fill you in on them. Right now I am so tired and have been very sick for 3 days so I think I will go to bed now. More later.

So Dark is Europe

30 Days Of Prayer for the Muslim World