Thursday, March 29, 2007

Can you guess what this is?
That's right Baby food and the ingredient is none other than horse. I just love the photo on the box. There is also a sheep variety in case horse just doesn't do it for you. MM Good!!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Yes slacker that is what you can call me right now. Things have been crazy busy around here. I'm just keeping my head above water getting things done or trying to get them done. I haven't posted in a while. I promise though I will do soon asap. This week we have a vision trip in from Ole Miss to do ministry with us for the week. I will have lots of stories by MOnday to share with all of you. So keep holding on and one day there will be a new post. If only if could do verbal posts that owuld type for me oh you'd be in luck.

So Dark is Europe

30 Days Of Prayer for the Muslim World