Sunday, May 20, 2007

Ahh! Mosquitoes!!!

Ok so I'm sitting here writing these posts and putting up pics and I am realizing it's going to be one lonngggg summer. The mosquitoes here are insane maybe even worse than Pisa. The bad part is I have severe allergic reaction to them, they itch for weeks at a time and swell while leaving scars. So for me this is counting the cost a little!! I am currently getting eaten alive. I forgot to buy bugspray in the states and bring it back. It is ridiculously expensive here. That will be the first package I ask from my mom.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh that's awful about the mosquities! What kind of bug spray do you use? I'll be glad to send you some, don't want you to be bothered by those pesky little things!

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