Monday, May 28, 2007

MLK Group in Salerno

So the first couple weeks or so here have been beyond hectic. As well all know we can plan and plan but things won't always go the way you planned. I've spent most of the time in meetings and figuring out just what our job as ICS looks like in Salerno this summer. I am excited to say that we actually have what looks like a schedule for us and our role has been more clearly organized. We met with the group of believers in Salerno, MLK, and talked with them about our desire to come alongside them. We talked with them about how we have a piece of the puzzle in reaching Italians for Christ and how they also possesses an important piece of the puzzle and the need to put these two pieces together. One of the pastors, Antonio, is completely on board. He has invited us to disciple/train the MLK group of believers for the next 4 weeks. We will meet on Mondays for training and time in the Word and on Wednesdays we will go out on campus to put into practice what they learned on Monday. There will be a time afterwards to talk about you experiences and ask questions. I am super excited about this partnership with MLK. Our desire is that they would be raised up to disciple other Italians that come to Christ through the stint team and summer project teams here in Salerno. Please pray for wisdom in teaching each week. Pray that we would be humble and show them we are not here to grow our name but rather to grow MLK into a powerhouse of evangelism and discipleship on the Univ. of Salerno campus. This Sunday Antonio has asked us to bring the entire summer project to the church and tell them about Campus Crusade for Christ and why we are here. Pray for clarity in our Italian speaking and that this church would catch a greater vision of reaching the world.

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