Monday, May 21, 2007

Monday in Salerno

I slept much better last night which I am so thankful for. I actually feel a little rested today. Thank you for praying and please continue to do so. It has been a pretty low key day for my team. We spent a few hours driving and shopping at the Carrefou (Italian walmart) for the essentials i.e. toilet seat, shower rod, clothes rack, etc... I am thankful that's over & done and we can settle a little more in our house. Our landlady, Sarah, came over to meet the Davis' and give us more keys. She is very interested in what we do. She has talked ot us about how she see her friend really feeling and living her faith rather than it just being a ritual. Pray for her that she would come to a real realtionship with the Savior. One problem for our apt. is the water it has intermittent times of ice cold water with scorchingly hot water therefore showers are not the most entertaining. But overall the place is great. Such a blessing.

In the afternoon I had a meetinng with the leaders to talk about each of our roles for the summer. We are all really excited and have big visions for the minsitry in Italy. I walked away excited about the possibilities for this nation. This afternoon I may walk a little with the summer project kids to get to know them a little better and enojy much needed community.

1 comment:

Christopher Wu said...

hey, how's the project going? Praying for you! Thanks for putting up the site for people. It looks great! I'll be sure to pop in for a visit once in a while. Hope you have an awesome summer Marti!

So Dark is Europe

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